Its upgrade paths in BTD5 are the Spike-o-Pult, which launch spiked balls that can pop a very large number of bloons before stopping, and Super Monkey Fan Club, which temporarily transforms it and other nearby dart monkeys into Super Monkeys.
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BTD6 adds the Comanche path, which can fire missiles, slow down MOAB-class bloons and summon extra helicopters as Bloons get closer to the exit. The other paths gain extra upgrades as well, with the Apache Prime boasting a devastating arsenal of weapons, and Special Poperations allowing the Chinook to deploy a monkey Marine to shred Bloons with a powerful dart rifle.
Its first upgrade path focuses on buffs: Acidic Mixture Dip allows any monkey to pop lead and deal extra damage to ceramic and MOAB-class bloons, and Berserker Brew increases damage, range, and attack speed, which can be further increased with the Stronger Stimulant and made permanent with Permanent Brew. The second path is a more straightforward attacker, using Stronger Acid to dissolve bloons faster, Perishing Potions to remove fortification from lead and ceramic blooms, Unstable Concoction to make MOAB-class bloons explode violently when popped, and Transforming Tonic to turn into a powerful attacking monster, with the final upgrade, Total Transformation, also affecting nearby monkeys. Finally, the bottom path focuses on transmutation: Lead to Gold grants lots of extra money when popping lead bloons, Rubber to Gold splashes bloons with a potion that extends this effect to any kind of bloon, and the Bloon Master Alchemist wields a powerful shrinking potion that can turn any bloon into a basic red bloon.
Gameplay in Bloons TD 6 is similar to previous games. The core gameplay is to stop enemy Bloons from reaching the exit(s) by making a defense consisting of various towers (called "Monkeys" in-game though some are clearly not monkeys). Popping Bloons will earn money, and can be used to buy more towers or upgrade existing towers. Each tower has a different role in the game. The game is played from a fixed top-down perspective, just like all other games of the Bloons TD series, but Bloons TD 6 uses 3D graphics, unlike any other of its previous games.
Bloons TD 6 introduces many new game mechanics, including Heroes, new Bloon types, 5th-tier upgrades, and a third upgrade path for each monkey. DDTs, which first appeared in Bloons Monkey City, also return in Bloons TD 6. The game also introduces three new Bloon types: The BAD (Big Airship of Doom) is the new strongest bloon in the game, and is immune to any form of slowdown, knockback, or instakill. Purple Bloons have been are a new counterpart to the Black and White Bloons, and are immune to fire, plasma, and energy weapons. The Fortified Bloon property is introduced alongside the returning Camo and Regrow properties; bloons with this property are stronger variations of their regular counterpart (the Fortified property will double the health of all bloons it is applied to except for Leads, which quadruples its health). Line of Sight is a new game mechanic that appears on certain maps, where certain types of obstacles can block certain towers from seeing over them.
Bloons TD 6 currently features a roster of 22 monkeys (2 new monkeys and 20 returning from previous BTD games) and 13 heroes to help pop bloons. These monkeys are split into four classes: Primary, Military, Magic, and Support. The monkeys range from simple Dart Monkeys to the all-powerful Super Monkey, each one with its own unique attacks, abilities, and strengths. Monkey XP still exists, but this time around it functions a bit differently. Players can save up Monkey XP to unlock upgrades in any order they wish, but the amount of monkey XP required increases the farther down the upgrade path they travel. XP can also be saved, allowing players to go down the path the player wishes rather than unlocking them in order. Each monkey has its own set of XP so they cannot use Dart Monkey XP to buy upgrades for the Bomb Shooter, for example. Several towers have been renamed from BTD5, namely Boomerang Monkey (from Boomerang Thrower), Wizard Monkey (from Monkey Apprentice), Bomb Shooter (from Bomb Tower), Ice Monkey (from Ice Tower), Mortar Monkey (from Mortar Tower), Dartling Gunner (from Dartling Gun), and Engineer Monkey (from Monkey Engineer).
Bloons TD 6 was announced on March 28, 2017 on PRLog for the iTunes App Store, Google Play Store, and Amazon App Store and released on June 13, 2018. What's Up At Ninja Kiwi? - 27 October, 2017 The game, like its predecessors, revolves around popping Bloons using monkey towers. Unlike the previous games, however, Bloons TD 6 utilizes 3D graphics to enhance visual gameplay. The game also utilizes a new feature called Line of Sight, a feature where certain obstacles can block the monkey's line of sight, which makes tower placement significantly more important. Certain vision-blocking objects can be removed for a fee, which will free up space for tower placement and sometimes can add other gameplay effects such as revealing hidden water.
Players defend against bloons by selecting a loadout of 3 bloon-popping towers known as Monkeys out of a total of 22 (though 5 of these towers are not monkeys). Players drag towers from the menu bar and place them on their respective side of the map. Then, most towers will automatically aim and attack bloons using a plethora of darts, blades, magical beams, acid, and more projectiles each best suited to their own use case. Each tower can also be upgraded to become even more powerful. Related to Monkeys are Heroes: a special type of tower that exists as a distinct character. Only one hero may be equipped and exist per player each match. Heroes upgrade themselves automatically.
Battles 2 operates on seasons that grant access to additional skins and cosmetics, under the "Season" (formerly "Bling") option. There are many more options to customize the game, expanding skins and cosmetics to towers, heroes, bloons, and UI.
The graphics, visuals, and audio are both new and reused. While many sound effects found in BTD6 also appear in this game, some sound effects have been reused from older games, and some sound effects are entirely new. As an example of reused old sound effects, all ordinary placement sounds are instead reused from the original Bloons TD Battles 1, until Version 1.3.0. The soundtrack in the game is composed by Tim Haywood, with some completely new and remixed versions of music from other games. Tilt angle and lighting look fairly similar overall. Textures are fairly similar overall, with minor differences for certain towers. Animations for each tower and upgrade are also different too. Proportions for towers and upgrades are also changed to look more realistic. All monkeys now also have visible mouths in-game.
Bloons TD Battles 2 currently features 22 monkeys and 6 heroes to help against the bloons. These monkeys are split into four classes: Primary, Military, Magic, and Support. The monkeys range from simple Dart Monkeys to the all-powerful Super Monkey, each one with its own unique attacks, abilities, and strengths. 2ff7e9595c