Explore wide dynamic range, low distortion radio equipment, the use of direct conversion and phasing methods, and digital signal processing. Use the models and discussion to design, build and measure equipment at both the circuit and the system level. Laced with new unpublished projects and illustrated with CW and SSB gear.
Experimental Methods In Rf Design Pdf
In medical informatics, the quasi-experimental, sometimes called the pre-post intervention, design often is used to evaluate the benefits of specific interventions. The increasing capacity of health care institutions to collect routine clinical data has led to the growing use of quasi-experimental study designs in the field of medical informatics as well as in other medical disciplines. However, little is written about these study designs in the medical literature or in traditional epidemiology textbooks.1,2,3 In contrast, the social sciences literature is replete with examples of ways to implement and improve quasi-experimental studies.4,5,6
Key advantages and disadvantages of quasi-experimental studies, as they pertain to the study of medical informatics, were identified. The potential methodological flaws of quasi-experimental medical informatics studies, which have the potential to introduce bias, were also identified. In addition, a summary table outlining a relative hierarchy and nomenclature of quasi-experimental study designs is described. In general, the higher the design is in the hierarchy, the greater the internal validity that the study traditionally possesses because the evidence of the potential causation between the intervention and the outcome is strengthened.4
Using this basic definition, it is evident that many published studies in medical informatics utilize the quasi-experimental design. Although the randomized controlled trial is generally considered to have the highest level of credibility with regard to assessing causality, in medical informatics, researchers often choose not to randomize the intervention for one or more reasons: (1) ethical considerations, (2) difficulty of randomizing subjects, (3) difficulty to randomize by locations (e.g., by wards), (4) small available sample size. Each of these reasons is discussed below.
Ethical considerations typically will not allow random withholding of an intervention with known efficacy. Thus, if the efficacy of an intervention has not been established, a randomized controlled trial is the design of choice to determine efficacy. But if the intervention under study incorporates an accepted, well-established therapeutic intervention, or if the intervention has either questionable efficacy or safety based on previously conducted studies, then the ethical issues of randomizing patients are sometimes raised. In the area of medical informatics, it is often believed prior to an implementation that an informatics intervention will likely be beneficial and thus medical informaticians and hospital administrators are often reluctant to randomize medical informatics interventions. In addition, there is often pressure to implement the intervention quickly because of its believed efficacy, thus not allowing researchers sufficient time to plan a randomized trial.
Similarly, informatics interventions often cannot be randomized to individual locations. Using the pharmacy order-entry system example, it may be difficult to randomize use of the system to only certain locations in a hospital or portions of certain locations. For example, if the pharmacy order-entry system involves an educational component, then people may apply the knowledge learned to nonintervention wards, thereby potentially masking the true effect of the intervention. When a design using randomized locations is employed successfully, the locations may be different in other respects (confounding variables), and this further complicates the analysis and interpretation.
Here, X is the intervention and O is the outcome variable (this notation is continued throughout the article). In this study design, an intervention (X) is implemented and a posttest observation (O1) is taken. For example, X could be the introduction of a pharmacy order-entry intervention and O1 could be the pharmacy costs following the intervention. This design is the weakest of the quasi-experimental designs that are discussed in this article. Without any pretest observations or a control group, there are multiple threats to internal validity. Unfortunately, this study design is often used in medical informatics when new software is introduced since it may be difficult to have pretest measurements due to time, technical, or cost constraints.
The advantage of this study design over A2 is that adding a second pretest prior to the intervention helps provide evidence that can be used to refute the phenomenon of regression to the mean and confounding as alternative explanations for any observed association between the intervention and the posttest outcome. For example, in a study where a pharmacy order-entry system led to lower pharmacy costs (O3
This design involves the inclusion of a nonequivalent dependent variable (b) in addition to the primary dependent variable (a). Variables a and b should assess similar constructs; that is, the two measures should be affected by similar factors and confounding variables except for the effect of the intervention. Variable a is expected to change because of the intervention X, whereas variable b is not. Taking our example, variable a could be pharmacy costs and variable b could be the length of stay of patients. If our informatics intervention is aimed at decreasing pharmacy costs, we would expect to observe a decrease in pharmacy costs but not in the average length of stay of patients. However, a number of important confounding variables, such as severity of illness and knowledge of software users, might affect both outcome measures. Thus, if the average length of stay did not change following the intervention but pharmacy costs did, then the data are more convincing than if just pharmacy costs were measured.
This design adds a third posttest measurement (O3) to the one-group pretest-posttest design and then removes the intervention before a final measure (O4) is made. The advantage of this design is that it allows one to test hypotheses about the outcome in the presence of the intervention and in the absence of the intervention. Thus, if one predicts a decrease in the outcome between O1 and O2 (after implementation of the intervention), then one would predict an increase in the outcome between O3 and O4 (after removal of the intervention). One caveat is that if the intervention is thought to have persistent effects, then O4 needs to be measured after these effects are likely to have disappeared. For example, a study would be more convincing if it demonstrated that pharmacy costs decreased after pharmacy order-entry system introduction (O2 and O3 less than O1) and that when the order-entry system was removed or disabled, the costs increased (O4 greater than O2 and O3 and closer to O1). In addition, there are often ethical issues in this design in terms of removing an intervention that may be providing benefit.
(a) Single or multistep synthetic methods manuscripts and total synthesis manuscripts are expected to demonstrate strategies, transformations, or shortened routes to target structures that show conceptual novelty, not merely the extension of previously reported chemistry to a different class of reaction substrates, reagents, or catalysts.
(b) Manuscripts focusing on mechanistic studies (experimental or theoretical) should show methodological advances or provide novel insight into the course of chemical reactions, rather than only confirming previously established mechanisms.
Notes are concise accounts describing novel observations, new methods of wide applicability or interest, or focused studies of general interest. Notes differ from Articles in having a narrower scope. The level of experimental rigor, including compound characterization, required for a Note is the same as that for an Article. The length of a Note is limited to 3,000 words, which includes the abstract, introductory paragraph, results and discussion, and space occupied by tables and graphics; the word count limit does not include the experimental section, acknowledgments, supporting information availability statement, and list of references. Tables and graphics count toward the word-count limits at the rate of 50 words per vertical inch for one-column items (8.4 cm/3.3 inches wide or less), and 100 words per vertical inch for wider items up to two-columns (17.8 cm/7.0 inches). Authors are reminded that any graphics that are reduced in size to help adhere to the above length limits need to be fully legible when the page is printed at 100% scale.
Results and Discussion. The presentation of experimental details in the results and discussion section should be kept to a minimum. Reiteration of information that is made obvious in tables, figures, or reaction schemes should be avoided. A Results and Discussion section heading is used in an Article but not in a Note or JOCSynopsis.
Experimental Section/Computational Methods. For Notes and Articles, manuscripts reporting the results of experimental work must include all experimental procedures, compound characterization data, and any associated literature citations. Authors have the flexibility to place the experimental content in the main text (Experimental Section), in the Supporting Information, or a combination of both as it best supports the manuscript, so long as the information is accurate and complete. As needed, authors may substitute or also include a section on Computational Methods. These sections should describe methods in sufficient detail to permit repetition of the work by others. The Data Requirements section should be consulted for guidance on reporting synthetic experimental, compound characterization, spectroscopic, crystallographic, computational, and bioassay data in the Experimental Section, Computational Methods, and Supporting Information. A general Experimental Methods paragraph may be optionally provided to document procedures, such as purification methods, solvent removal, and spectroscopic and chromatographic analyses, that are common to most of the individual procedures, and should be placed at the beginning of the Experimental Section. 2ff7e9595c