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Hoi4 Remove National Spirit: A Guide to Debug and Console Commands

The United States of America is one of the largest and richest countries of the globe in 1936, and the only major power outside of Europe and Asia. However, despite its immense wealth in resources and infrastructure assets, the USA is heavily restrained by its laws and national spirits at the start of the game. But should the U.S. remove these restrictions and build up their military might (and optionally get allies by creating or joining a faction), they can easily become a world superpower, in a similar fashion to its real-life counterpart.

Hoi4 Remove National Spirit

The United States boasts, without a doubt, the largest construction capability of the major powers by 1936. However, due to the immense 80% consumer factory requirements by the country's national spirits, the U.S. only has 22 civilian factories available for construction. To fully exploit the U.S.'s economic potential, one has to go to war to enable the removal of The Great Depression modifier and to change the economic laws. Another undermining factor for the country's might is the low number of military factories, rendering its army very weak at the start.

Both cost 150 political power to appoint. Support for the fascist Silver Legion of America led by William Dudley Pelley, or for the communist Communist Party USA led by Earl Browder himself, will steadily increase. Because of the USA's national spirit Home of the Free this will be slower than normal - Ideology Defense Drift: +20%. The result of this will be to convert the USA to a fascist or communist country. The party and leader of the country will change, and they will change the name and flag. Once this has happened, the diplomatic rules applied to fascist or communist countries apply to the USA. There will be no more elections.

The Republic starts in some deep waters. It has a whole laundry list of negative national spirits that cripples the nation on every front, which requires progression in the focus tree to remove. Its starting industry is quite weak, and only 1 civilian factory will be usable at the start of the game. Its starting military is relatively large however.

The first issue at hand is dealing with the Republic's unruly generals, represented by the national spirit Unruly Army. General Reinhard Suntail and Claus Rosewing have been causing significant trouble for the Republic since their exile to the north. Both generals are dissatisfied with Kemerskai's rule, and still control a significant number of troops, putting the Republic at the risk of a civil war.

There are 3 choices of political paths, 1 of which further subdivides into 2 more paths. All three paths eventually remove The Language Issue, Banditry, and Risk of Famine national spirits.

The initial section for Suntail involves gearing the nation for war against the Empire. The focuses will remove the Risk of Famine and Banditry national spirits, change the economy law to Early Mobilization and mobilization law to Service by Requirement, along with several positive national spirits that grant general bonuses such as stability, Supremacy support, and combat bonuses. "An International Coalition" will create the faction Republican Pact.

There are two major political sub-paths for this path: "Placate Far-Right Generals", and "Placate Remaining Republicans". Both grants positive bonuses and removes the Banditry and Risk of Famine national spirits.

Immediately after Cloudbury-Herzland is proclaimed, skepticism begins to pour in, giving the country the national spirit "Skepticism On All Sides", which reduces daily PP gain by 0.15, reduces division organization by 15%, reduces recruitable population factor by 25%, and reduces stability by 10%.

The military tree is shared between all political paths, and is unlocked when the national spirit Unruly Army is removed or replaced. The military tree consists of three components: an air force tree, an army tree, and a navy tree.

"Banking Reform" and "A Self-Sufficient Economy" will remove the negative national spirit Moderate Poverty, while "Cloudbury Education Initiative", "Expand Northern Schools", and "Illiterate No Longer" will remove the negative national spirit Mass Illiteracy.

Nimbusia uniquely starts out as a nation already prepared for war due to its laws. Unlike many other nations it begins the game on extensive conscription and early mobilization. Nimbusia was the protectors of the riverponies in the past and that still stands true today. There are no direct threats to Nimbusia so it is free to send troops to protect the other river nations. Its army is powerful due to the various national spirits.

With the Reformists securing their political victory they can now pass their reforms such as giving a more diverse education. They have a choice on either to strength Nimbusia into a representative democracy or direct democracy. Most importantly they will give more rights to the neglected classes of Nimbusia. The main benefits of this path is the penalties from Martial Society will be greatly reduced and Citizens, Perioikoi and Helots national spirit will have its penalties removed and turned into a positive modifier. As a result on higher conscription laws this is the best path for ponypower.

Below is a table of the bonuses from the focuses in the 3 unlockable political paths. Leader traits are not included and it takes into account the end results of the 3 national spirits that are modified.

The colonization decisions will give cores on Austurland and Kása Free State. With the Barrad Magocracy you can either give it to Wittenland or the more beneficial opinion of dealing with it yourself in which case you can either unlock decisions to core the area or evacuate the area which will remove population and factories while adding population to your own states. If the Purists are in power then you get the additional opinion of releasing Barrad as a puppet and get a national spirit decreasing research time.

If the Helots are win the civil war then they will be able to start doing their focus tree. The focus tree will remove the crippling Political Chaos, Nonexistent Economy, and An Army of Slaves national spirits you will receive after the first focus.

For each path of the Fatherland Front, it is possible to fall victim to a Royalist coup. All paths will start off with the Royalist Resistance national spirit which can be removed, diminished, or diminished and then removed. If removed, it is possible to also join the Belgrade Pact.

If the Orange Guard couped and Aleksandar Stamboliyski came to power, he will have to navigate royal resistance. Taking the focus 'Throw Out the Royal Memorials' will lessen the Royalist Resistance national spirit but not get rid of it. To remove it, 'Socialization of the Land,' Perfect Democracy,' 'Organize the Bulgarian Youth,' and Mass Pressed Labor Actions' must be taken first.

If the Royalist Resistance national spirit was not removed or just diminished, taking 'A Path to Peace' will see the Royalists strike and coup the government. With Tsar Boris dead, his brother Kyril will be invited to take the throne.

If the focus 'Minority Political Integration' was taken last after all other in his tree, it will remove the Royalist Resistance national spirit, enabling him to safely join the Belgrade Pact if the focus to do so was taken.

A modifier is a numeric multiplier that represent certain strengths and weaknesses of a country. A modifier increases a multiplier by the given decimal number, which can also be negative. Modifiers can unfortunately not directly be used in place of triggers or effects (but see this workaround), usually an effect from for example a national focus, would add an idea (national spirit) that contains these modifiers as permanent bonuses. 2ff7e9595c

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