AdvanceMAME is based on MAME 0.106 and it requires a romset aligned to that MAME version.You can download a MAME 0.106 ROMs archive (14GB) with this torrent.Alternatively, there is a big MAME 0.106 ROMs+CHDs archive (70GB) available at MAME 0.106 ROMs, CHDs, and Samples.Or you can get the MAME 0.149 ROMs archiveand use a rom manager to adjust it for AdvanceMAME.The samples for 'batsugun', 'dogyuun', 'ghox', 'samesame', 'tekipaki','vfive' and 'vimana' are available at mediafire.
AdvanceMESS is also based on MESS 0.106 and it also requires a romset aligned to that MESS version.The most similar one available is the MESS 0.149 BIOS ROMsarchive. You'll likely need to use a rom manager to adjust it for AdvanceMESS.
Mame 0.149 Roms
I am working on setting up my emulators and ran into an issue with MAME. I have MAME 0.149 with a 0.149 rom set. I have the correct path set and have updated the MAME rom list in GameEx. When I select a game to play, it launches and the screen goes black. I hear the sounds of the game and can operate the controls with the keyboard. I can hear credits adding and game play begin. How do I correct the black screen to show the game? I am stumped any help is greatly appreciated. I have other emulators running in GameEx without any issues. Attached are my GameEx log.txt and Configuration settings.
Always test your games first directly in the emulator before you import anything into Launchbox. That way you eliminate it either being a rom issue or an emulator one. Even if you are using an older romset and older emulator version it can still work in Launchbox. Using updated versions is always best.
The roms you have now do they run directly in the emulator you are using? For Launchbox you have to make sure the emulator is setup correctly and the games run in them. Launchbox does not do any of that.
So I am using the latest MAME64 for windows. I believe it is 213b. I tried loading some games directly using MAME instead of Launchbox and it showed me missing files such as qsound. For example, Darkstalkers says it is missing dl-1425.bin file. But what I don't understand is that is in the roms folder. I searched online this morning and tried a couple different versions of but it still won't work.
Newer Mame version will need the updated qsound file which contains that file. It is If you have a new full romset that file should be in there. If you are using roms pieced together than that would be your biggest issue.
It has been a long time since I downloaded these roms, so they are definitely not most update set. Any recommendations on where I can get most updated versions of these roms. It seems like some of the sites I remember using way back no longer have downloads.
We cannot link to sites but can recommend places like Pleasure Dome (there are some rules you need to follow to download from their site) and the Archive contains relatively new romsets. It is best to use a romset that matches the mame version, but as long as they are close you will typically be ok. I am using .209 romset with the current Mame version.
It would be easier for you to use a older version of the MAME emulator. This is why MAME has versions, not all roms will work with all versions of the emulator as the files change. In this case back at version 0.182 i think it was the qsound bios was changed, so if your roms are older than 0.182 then you have to use a version of the emulator prior to 0.182 also.
This does not mean it isn't good, it just might not run some newer games that have been added since. If you are happy with the MAME roms you can play in OpenEmu, you can download MAME 0.149 from and use that version and your current roms will work.
If you decide to update, sometimes sites like Pleasuredome don't always work well for some, you can just google for the specific name of the rom you are missing, you'll find a link fairly easily. (as a pure example, if your missing roms for a game, lets say and its says you are missing pro0.d2, search for that, not That will usually make sure you get the version you need)
@Geminii23 Yeah, I would recommend not piecemeal roms. Will it work? Yes. Can it cause more issues than needed? Yes. You can easily find yourself hunting down random file after random file and nowadays getting roms from random sites means easily getting something in a file you may not want. Just look at the fact that trying to update you already are having issue.
Hi. So I found a full set that is supposed to be for v 0.202 of MAME. So I rolled back to that version and then downloaded all the roms and chd files that I think I need, but there are still several games that are greyed out and don't work in MAME itself. Most of the Capcom games work now though since I was able to get the proper qsound among the downloads.
We did not specifically say don't, we just recommended not to do so. Thing about doing it piece by piece is you do not know what version Mame that rom is for, most will work fine over the versions, but still can be an issue. Then you have to hunt down a bios or other supporting file that you many times do not know you need until you try to play the game. Also all these random sites that house roms, you never know what else they inject into the file.
You said you found a .202 set and downloaded it. Well if it is a full set you would have all you need for most games (roms and bios) with the exception of those games that need a CHD. Those are usually not in a romset.
Its also worth mentioning there are thousands of files in a MAME romset that simply do not work in the emulator. A romset contains all known good dumps, that doesnt mean that they are actually emulated at all.
Sorry, I didn't download a full set. Since I didn't get from PD, I can't confirm that the roms are in fact a complete set. But the place I got these from seems to have lots of large packs. I will only say that it is from AP. Hopefully I won't get in trouble for that.
Depends on which SF3 rom you're using. is one of the US clone roms and uses the cap-3s-2.chd file You can find info here =sfiii3u scroll down to where it says Files and click/expand "Show Mame required Files". 2ff7e9595c