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L.B. Cebik, W4RNL (right), visited ARRL Headquarters recently to discuss the new ARRL Certification Program with League Executive Vice President David Sumner, K1ZZ, and other HQ staff members. [Rick Lindquist, N1RL]Starting Wednesday, March 15, ARRL members will get their chance to suggest the shape and scope of the new ARRL Certification Program. A Web-based forum will go "live" that day to start collecting member input on how the program should be designed and what it should include. ARRL Educational and Technical Advisor L.B. Cebik, W4RNL, of Knoxville, Tennessee, has been tapped to serve as the interim forum moderator-facilitator."The first step in this process is to receive the maximum amount of member input possible to ensure that the program truly serves the needs and desires of the amateur community," said Cebik, a retired educator whose writings are familiar to readers of many of the League's publications. The forum site is -only/forums/index.php3. The Web forum is being moderated to ensure that all member input is acknowledged and integrated as fully as possible into the emergent program. Members will be asked to suggest specific programs and areas of study or skills development they would like to see as part of the Certification Program. The League also plans to seek outside expert assistance in setting the optimal knowledge or performance threshold."You are invited to participate as much as you would like in helping us to formulate the program," Cebik said. "In fact, if you have some special skills or knowledge, we should also like to know that, since the eventual size of the program will make it mandatory that we deeply tap the talents and knowledge of our members."Cebik's task will include organizing members' comments and suggestions into a form that the ARRL staff can use in further developing the program. He points out that nothing is cast in stone at this point. "For instance, the 'kernel' list of suggested topics at the forum site may well undergo considerable revision from time to time in response to member suggestions and ideas," he said.The ARRL Board of Directors approved the development and implementation of the self-education program for radio amateurs at its January meeting. The Certification Program is aimed at inspiring amateurs to continue acquiring technical knowledge and operating expertise beyond that required to become licensed.The League hopes to have its first certification examinations and related materials available before the end of the year. The program will continue to evolve over time, however. US APPEALS COURT UPHOLDS RF EXPOSURE REGULATIONS

The US Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit has upheld the FCC's 1996 RF exposure guidelines. The court also turned away a challenge to the FCC's exclusive ability to regulate relevant radio facility operations. The wide-ranging challenge was brought by the Cellular Phone Taskforce joined by other petitioners including the Communications Workers of America. In an opinion released February 18, the three-judge panel upheld the FCC against the challenges on all points. The Court disagreed on all facets of the petitioners' claims. The petitioners, in part, had claimed the FCC failed to account for non-thermal effects of RF radiation, didn't evaluate new evidence, failed to get expert testimony, and failed to account for "scientific uncertainty" about RF exposure in deciding to not lower the maximum permissible exposure levels below the maximum permitted thermal levels. The petitioners also faulted the FCC for adopting a two-tiered MPE level system that allows for higher exposure in "occupational/controlled" situations than in "general population/uncontrolled" situations.Additionally, the Appeals Court:said the FCC was not irrational, arbitrary or capricious in its decision and that it did not ignore "substantial comments" from experts.noted that licensees are still responsible for compliance "and an interested person can petition the FCC for review of a site believed to violate the MPE levels."disagreed that an environmental impact statement was required from the FCC.rejected the petitioners' arguments that by not considering RF interference with medical devices, the FCC failed to take a hard look at the environmental consequences of its actions.rejected arguments that--under the Telecommunications Act of 1996--the FCC did not enjoy broad preemption authority over state or local government to regulate wireless service facilities.ARRL RF Safety Committee Chairman Greg Lapin, N9GL, credits the FCC with being comprehensive in developing its RF safety regulations and thinks the Appeals Court did the right thing. "The FCC is not a health and safety organization, and the Commission never intended the rules to serve as a standard," Lapin said.Lapin pointed out that the FCC's rules are based on accepted ANSI/IEEE and National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements standards and based on "mountains of research and the opinions of lots of experts.""The appeals court recognized this in its decision," Lapin said. CALIFORNIA HAM HOPES TO BE OLDEST SOLO SAILOR

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Clark and First Mate Mickey aboard the Mollie Milar. [David Clark]At age 74, David Clark, KB6TAM, is not resting on a lifetime of accomplishments as you might expect he'd be doing at this stage of his life. Despite being "retired," Clark just doesn't enjoy "sitting around." That's why he's taking a crack at becoming the oldest person to sail solo around the world. On his long journey, begun in early December from Ft Lauderdale, Florida, ham radio has provided a welcome link with the world he left behind.Clark has been a regular daily check-in on the Maritime Net (14.313 MHz) at between 7 and 8 PM Pacific time. Net members and other hams have patched Clark through to his wife, Lynda, and to other family members, and helping out with information. Clark also has satellite communication gear aboard.Clark is sailing a 44-foot steel-hulled sloop, the Mollie Milar--named for his mother. He's already sailed around the world once--in 1987 to 1991--although not completely alone. A previous solo attempt failed in 1995.As of this week, Clark was located in the Pacific some 900 miles from Tahiti and typically averaging 120 miles a day. The vessel is equipped with a small auxiliary engine. "He is getting low on propane so is preserving by limiting his cooking and eating cold beans out of the can," his wife reported this week after speaking with him via ham radio.Although officially "solo," Clark does have a first mate along--his west highland terrier, Mickey. Clark expects to arrive in Tahiti in a couple of weeks or so, depending on the winds. To supplement his Social Security check, Clark has been playing clarinet gigs at his various ports of call. Corporate sponsors such as Raytheon have provided equipment, but Clark is financing his latest adventure out of his own pocket.FIELD DAY 2000 PREPARATIONS UNDER WAY

Nominations close March 31 for the 1999 Hiram Percy Maxim Memorial Award. The award goes each year to a radio amateur under the age of 21 whose accomplishments and contributions are of the most exemplary nature within the framework of Amateur Radio activities. These include, but are not limited to:Participation or leadership in organizational affairs at the local or national level. Technical achievement. Operating record. Recruitment and training of new amateurs. Public relations activities.Formal nominations are made by Section Managers. Supporting information, including the endorsement of ARRL-affiliated clubs and elected or appointed League Leadership officials, should be submitted to League headquarters with the nomination.An award panel reviews nominations and selects the winner. The prize consists of a cash award of $1000, an engraved plaque, and an all-expense-paid trip to an ARRL convention for a formal presentation.Nominations should document as thoroughly as possible the Amateur Radio achievements and contributions of the nominee during the previous calendar year. Additional information concerning the character of the nominee should be as complete as possible.Nominations must be sent to the appropriate Section Manager, who must submit completed nomination forms by March 31, 2000. There is no limit to the number of nominations a Section Manager may make. Nominations go to Jean Wolfgang, WB3IOS, ARRL, 225 Main St, Newington, CT 06111. For more information, contact Jean Wolfgang,; 860-594-0200 or visit NOMINATIONS OPEN FOR THE NINTH ANNUAL McGAN AWARD

Nominees are invited for this year's Philip J. McGan Memorial Silver Antenna Award, given annually to a League member who goes the extra mile to promote Amateur Radio at the local, state or national level. The award honors an amateur who demonstrates outstanding public relations success on behalf of Amateur Radio. The award is named for the late journalist Philip J. McGan, WA2MBQ, the first chairman of the ARRL's Public Relations Committee and an avid spokesman for Amateur Radio. Public relations activities--as distinguished from public service--are those specifically directed at bringing Amateur Radio to the public's attention in a positive light--typically through the news media (TV, newspapers or radio). "This is your chance to nominate someone who works hard to spread the good word about Amateur Radio," said ARRL Public Relations Manager Jennifer Hagy, N1TDY. "Successful PR efforts can bring new hams into the ranks, create better relationships with people in the community and make reporters aware that Amateur Radio is still alive and well in the new millennium." Nominations for the ninth annual award are due May 26, 2000 at ARRL Headquarters, by 5 PM Eastern time. The February issue of QST has complete information on the award, including the official entry rules. The ARRL's Public Relations Committee will screen eligible nominations and forward its recommendation to the ARRL Board of Directors, which makes the final determination at the July Board Meeting. To obtain an entry form for the Philip J. McGan Silver Antenna Award, contact Media Relations Manager Jennifer Hagy, N1TDY,; 860-594-0328. Both the application (a PDF file) and the complete rules are available. Send completed forms and supporting materials to Philip J. McGan Silver Antenna Award, care of Jennifer Hagy, N1TDY, ARRL, 225 Main St, Newington, CT 06111.--Jennifer Hagy, N1TDYSOLAR UPDATE 2ff7e9595c

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